"Dear White People" is an upcoming Netflix original comedy that showcases the lives of four African American students who are angered by white students who are having African American parties. The reason I bring this show up is not because of the plot or the humor of the trailer, but the immediate backlash from those who only see the title and listen to a few seconds of the video. This trailer is currently sitting on Youtube with over 22 thousand dislikes to its name and a comment section that was so racist that the uploader of the video had to disable the feature from the video. While I can somewhat see why people would get offended at this trailer (because Netflix only decided to show the most controversial moments of their pilot I'm guessing), if they had actually taken the time to research this show or the movie they would have learned that its a story about coming together. How the four main characters slowly begin to integrate with the white students rather then just hate them for their actions, and how after befriending these people, the white students realize they're acting extremely racist. People who want to be offended by everything that is presented to them is a huge reason that nothing can get done to solve social inequalities.
Great post! My little brother actually mentioned this show to me over break and I watched the trailer before reading this blog post. He had to watch the trailer for one of his English classes. This is something that I would defiantly watch and I feel others should watch too. I think that the trailer focused on some important points but to cut to the chase. I guess we should never be shocked to read comments on YouTube now-a-days but after reading them I was shocked. After re-watching the trailer to comment on this post, before reading anything you posted about I noticed that the comments were disabled, then read that you wrote about it. I think that 22,895 dislike on this trailer is a little outrageous!
ReplyDeleteWhat a interesting contemporary topic! If I hadn't read your post before I watched the video, I would have probably been annoyed. Personally I hate shows that allow people to make excuss to why whites and blacks are different. But after hearing about the purpose for the show, I feel that the video didn't showcase it's goal. The video rather seemed like the show was going to be about this growing divide between blacks and whites. Really great post!
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you brought this show up. I remember seeing a bunch of backlash about it on twitter when the trailer first came out. All these people said they were going to boycott the show and cancel their Netflix subscriptions because they didn't know what the show was truly about. Granted the trailer didn't showcase many good moments of the show but it's not a show where the goal is to divide people even more. It's there to help show people the error of their ways, whites and blacks and help everyone come together.