I chose this image that states, “Black History is American History” because in a very broad, generalized sense, the way the blacks have been treated in the past and currently has shaped this country and has led it to where we are today as a society and as a culture. In school, students start learning about the history of the Blacks and their role in history as young as first grade. And that does not stop there, students continue learning about the history about slavery, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, the Civil War, and many other events and tragedies that have shaped this country. The cultural artifact that I am choosing to discuss in this blog post is the Mark Anthony Neil talk. I really enjoyed going to this because it is a reminder that even though it may not be a part of my everyday life that I think about, black history is essential to understanding American Identity and what it means to identify yourself as an American. In a country that prides itself on being free, we had slavery? We look down on blacks just because there skin color is different from our own. I think it is so important because being an American and being able to classify yourself as an American, is not something that someone can just take for granted. If you truly want to identify as an American, you need to conform and accept people for who they are. We have come a long way in doing this, but we need to always remember the stories of those who fought and who died for where we are now. Those who suffered as slaves there entire lives, those who have been arrested and killed in the process of their arrest just because of their skin color, even if they were not doing anything wrong. It is not fair to forget those who suffered and died just because of the color of their skin. They deserve to be remembered and honored and respected for their strength. Mark Neil showed us brutal footage of black people being attacked when they were clearly not in the wrong, he showed us the story that black artists tell in the lyrics of their songs. This reminds us that we cannot forget those who have reshaped America to become a country who just had a black president. That, is something to be proud of. The issue is nowhere near gone or solved, for there are still many racists and people who put themselves above blacks. But the thing is, black people are just as allowed to identify themselves as Americans because they have just as much right as anyone else does to do so.
In the link I provided, it is a video about the importance of celebrating Black History Month. I chose this because I think it captures everything that I argued in this article. I think it is extremely important that she states that she hopes there is a time that we don’t just celebrate in for one month, that is it constantly celebrated and remembered. I think this is extremely important because it is something that is part of our American Identity and it always will be.