Although slavery may not be as apparent as it was during the earlier years, it still exists today in many forms. People are forced into slavery today. They can be found doing forced labor for little or no money or being made to prostitute themselves in strip clubs or brothels. The scary part about this form of slavery is that we do not know to what extent this bondage is happening. Their "masters" or "owners" threaten, beat, or even drug them in order to stop them from escaping. Some are even branded with tattoos by their owners. People can be kidnapped into slavery or tricked into it. In another article I read, immigrants looking for a better life in America are tricked into being smuggled into America but must pay off their high debts with forced labor for little money. Teenage girls are sold for sex on websites or in the streets.
The middle passage was a route in the Atlantic ocean where many countries traded goods. Men and Women from America came into Africa and kidnapped many African Americans to be shipped to America to be made into slaves. Slavery was public and open before the 1900s. They were often mistreated and were below those who were not slaves. We can see this in Human Trafficking even if it is not public. Slavery today does not only exist in America but in many other countries also. Many activist groups exist to abolish slavery all together however, it is so hidden and with advancing technology it may be even harder to find. We may not think about it as much as we think about slavery in the 19th century but it still exists prominently today.
Unfortunately for everyone, especially those victimized by these acts directly, human trafficking and forced prostitution are huge money makers in the black market. It is also very difficult to help these people as many do not speak English or have any idea what else there is in life other than slave labor. This leaves governments from across the globe each trying to deal with their own form of human trafficking.
ReplyDeleteGood post, and relevant under the current administration. Trump's administration is one of the first to take human trafficking/ slavery seriously. 474 people were just arrested in CA for pimping/ trafficking/and solicitation. 28 children and 27 adults rescued.